Counselling & Mediation

A disputed marriage affects feelings, emotions, inner self, and mental reasons. Making the decision to end a marriage will be one of the biggest decisions anyone can ever face because it will affect them for the rest of their life – especially if they have kids. With so much at stake, this is not a decision most people take lightly – and with good reason. The terms ‘counselling’ and ‘mediation’ are often used interchangeably, particularly in the context of divorce and family law. Counsellors and mediators are always impartial and can help the concerned parties.  Mediation helps couples involved in family breakdown make amicable and harmonious arrangements.

The idea behind mediation and counselling is to help defuse the emotional tension between the two parties and find areas of agreement that the parties may not have realized existed. Divorce counselling helps people deal with the pain, anger and grief of divorce. Emotionally, many people deal with divorce the same way they deal with a death. They need to work through the same emotional stages: shock and denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. 


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